26 December 2012

Well this is my first post in a long time. Hi, remember me.  I'm James Davis.  I've grown up a bunch since a more than half a lifetime ago when I last posted.  I have breached the 3 foot barrier in record time....cars.  I like cars.  My little sister copies everything I do.  I, uh, got potty trained recently.  Monster trucks.  Cars.  Monster trucks.

Monster trucks.  I got lots, lots, lots of cars for Christmas.  And monster trucks.  Spiderman is pretty cool.  But he is even better as a monster truck - got that for Christmas too.  I like to watch Superhero Squad.  Hulk is my favorite.  I run around the house screaming "Hulk smash!" at the top of my lungs.  I terrorize my dad with threats of a hulk smash and if it weren't for those abnormaly long arms I'd have dispatched him with my hulk smashes days ago.

Candy. I like candy. Look at me.

My little sister Abby has problems with crashing into things.  Mommy dresses her up like this.

Any which way you look at it, the girl has style. 

Not long ago we went to Utah for a visit.  Mommy and Daddy said they got married here:

In a pond.  Can you believe it.  The water was cold.  I wouldn't get married in a pond (don't tell them I said that).

Went to Texas this year and worked on my tan

Visted Grandma and Grandpa Davis and met my cousin Emily.

Abby and I never understood the joys of bulk shopping at Costco, until the day known at our house as "the day daddy lost it" happened.

So, in summary, it's been a good 2012.  I have a some New Year's resolutions, only a few of which I can share with you.
1.  Fewer time outs
2.  Lot less sleep
3.  Eat more candy
4.  Go to a monster truck rally
5.  Drive a car
6.  Share with Abby
7. Have another birthday
8.  Spend more time at the beach

9. Spend more time with family

30 May 2012


I had the most lovely morning with my sweeties today.  Abby got her first real haircut! 
Waiting to get Abby's haircut
There were some tangles I think...so sad.

Hmmm...maybe this whole haircut thing isn't so bad!

Waiting for our food at our celebratory lunch at Pace's Pizza Balls

Abby pointing to her hair!

26 September 2011


These are a few of James' favorite things.....
eating frozen waffles straight out of the freezer
watching Stuart Little


James and Abby celebrated their second and first birthdays, respectively, at our new home in Reno. They are such a fun pair and I am so grateful to be their mommy!

James and Abby celebrated their s

19 June 2011

the move

Reno, here we come! The movers are coming to take our stuff on Thursday and we'll be in Reno next week! This is it!

07 June 2011

Folly Beach

The only bad thing about this tip to the beach was that I left our camera in the beach bag when the tide was coming in and...the camera broke. But at least we still had the pictures on the memory card! We now have a new camera and it's orage! I think the next beach will be at will be at a lake.....Lake Tahoe!

15 March 2011


On Friday, I went to the dentist becuase I was having some tooth pain. I had a dental abscess-- ross! No wonder my tooth was hurting. My awesome dentist said that everyone else would remember that day as the day of the earthquake in Japan, but that I would remember it as the day I had my first root canal. I was SO grateful that he could fix my tooth right then and very appreciative of my sweet friend, Cori, who watched James and Abby for me. I don't think James would've been all that excited about watching mommy lay in the chair with all this stuff in her mouth with a loud drill going. I mean, he used to get pretty worked up about the noise of the vacuum. Now my tooth feels great! Yay for root canals! I learned some interesting things about teeth, like the fact that pulp chambers decrease in sze with age. Based on the size of the affected tooth's pulp chamber, my dentist estimated that my tooth had been dead (maybe as the result of trauma?), but hadn't had any decay for neary 20 YEARS and that it just hadn't caused any problems thus far. Crazy.

Abby has two teeth now and they are so cute.

James utilizes his mouthful of teeth regularly. This is an example of what he did to the oranges through the bag while we were still at the grocery store. He likes totry bananas this way, too, and seems disappointed when the peels don't taste good.